Keynote Speaker: Professor Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., University of St. Thomas
Lecture held at the American Bible Society
1865 Broadway, New York
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sister Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., spoke on “Shaping Parish Life: Contribution of the Catholic Common Ground.” In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Father Phil Murnion’s ordination and in commemoration of Vatican II, this presentation will focus on the topic that captivated Fr. Murnion’s energy and enthusiasm – parish life. During his many years of ministry he contributed extensively and meaningfully to shape parishes as we know them today. Consideration of past accomplishments in parish ministry, the present situation, and future possibilities will provide the framework for the talk. Sr. Katarina will review some of the major changes in parish life that have contributed to its ongoing vitality, and then appraise current parish personnel and structures, including the all-embracing responsibilities of those who work in parishes today. A view of the new cultural and ecclesial context facing the Church and the resourcefulness that will be needed to enhance the parish of the future will conclude the talk.
Presentation of the 2013 Bernardin Award and Murnion Lecture, [1] in its entirety.
Click here for text of Murnion Lecture [2].
Click here for PowerPoint presentation [3].